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Frequently Asked Questions

Check our Top Frequently Asked Questions about Daros Carpet Cleaning asked by clients. 

The amount of time will be contingent on the size of the area needing to be cleaned and processes used – low moisture, portable extraction, or truck mount extraction in terms of efficiencies and time.  We can help you pick a program best meets your needs and schedule. 

The team at Daros Carpet Cleaning will work with you to schedule a time after hours or we can develop a customized program to clean your carpets in sections.  Our technician will let you know of dry times that you will need to be aware of.

Depending on the type of carpet we’re cleaning, you may notice a faint scent. This is especially prevalent when cleaning wool carpets. The amount of time it takes for the odor to dissipate is usually within an hour but varies based on air circulation, heat and humidity. A big difference in the way Daros Carpet cleaners cleans carpet compared to many of our competitors is that we do not put soap in our rinse water. We pre-spray the carpets, remove the spots, then clean water extract, ensuring we do not leave any soapy residue behind allowing for fresh, clean carpets.

Yes. Remove breakables from the tops of furniture in the room we will be cleaning. Pick up items from the floor in areas you want cleaned, such as rugs, plants, trash cans, etc. Pre-vacuum all areas to be cleaned.

The type of stain, the use of consumer-based stain removers, the length of time it has been there, and the type of carpet fiber all affect stain removal results.  We are able to remove most stains but, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that they will always come out. We will do what it takes to get the best results, and chances are that if we can’t remove the stain, nobody can.


We offer good and immaculate residential cleaning services for your property, at rates which are affordable.